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LPC installation issue


We are moving our Elektron client to be connected via LPC instead of EZD.

After installation process done it seems there is some issue with dictionary as I see this in the log:

<lpc.snkRsslServer.14002: Info: Sun Feb 28  16:27:25.339007 2021>
Ready for RSSL user connections.

<AZ-LPC01-STG.1.lpc: Info: Sun Feb 28  16:27:25.339023 2021>
RSSL Server initialization succeeded.  Ready for RSSL connections.

<AZ-LPC01-STG.1.lpc: Info: Sun Feb 28  16:27:29.900418 2021>
lpc (version lpc1.2.0.L1 ( aafda90 112)) Initialization Start.

<AZ-LPC01-STG.1.lpc: Info: Sun Feb 28  16:27:29.900490 2021>
The Configuration Database is using the file /opt/refinitiv/SOFTWARE/globalconfi                                                     g/lpc.cnf .

<AZ-LPC01-STG.1.lpc: Info: Sun Feb 28  16:27:29.900524 2021>
lpc main thread Using Epoll Event Notifier.

<ServerSharedMemory: Info: Sun Feb 28  16:27:29.900730 2021>

<AZ-LPC01-STG.1.lpc: Info: Sun Feb 28  16:28:09.989202 2021>
Refinitiv Real-Time Legacy Protocol Converter is configured to perform service d                                                     iscovery queries for connections.

<AZ-LPC01-STG.1.lpc: Info: Sun Feb 28  16:28:09.989319 2021>
Creating login message for Refinitiv Real-Time Legacy Protocol Converter diction                                                     ary download.  Client servers may not start until dictionary is downloaded.

I've tried the rmdstestClient from my client machine (windows) and it failed.

rmdstestClient.exe -h <LPC linux host> -u <userId>  -P 14002 -itemList GBP= -S ELEKTRON_DD -d 3 -X

the output:

Number of Connection Count = 1
Creating RSSL connection Host: Port: 14002
rsslInitChannel() returned -1, Error <..\..\..\Ripc\Impl\ripcsrvr.c:5279> ripcConnecting() Error: 1002 client connect() failed.  System errno: (10057)

Do you have any idea what went wrong?


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Hello @aharonya,

From the error message, it does not seem that your instance of LPC is able to connect upstream.

After the connectivity was resolved by your network team, was there a change in the error message, in LPC log, or it remains "

RSSL login failed for user: <USER> Text: Error querying service discovery: Failed to send a request to the token service. Text: </local/jenkins/workspace/RRTLPC/OS/OL7-64/esdk/source/esdk/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Reactor/Util/rsslRestClientImpl.c:1594> Error: Failed to perform the request with text: Couldn't resolve host name."


You can try enabling, in your lpc.cnf, Trace options:

!!      Tracing information !! *lpc*debugTrace : True *lpc*dumpIncoming : True *lpc*dumpOutgoing : True

Restart LPC and attach the log

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Hello @aharonya,

It does not look like your instance of LPC/Refinitiv Realtime Testing Environment is able to connect upstream. Likely, because you are unable to obtain the valid dictionary, as the error message suggests.

I would check what you have configured in lpc.cfg, in sections "Token Retrieval and Service Discovery Parameters" and "Dictionary Parameters".

By default, you should be connecting to the set of endpoints in your geographical region, and the dictionary download should be configured to False, resulting in using the local dictionary that came with the installation.

If your dictionary download is False, I would also verify that the dictionary exists where it's configured to be loaded from, for example:

*lpc*enumFile : ../../etc/enumtype.def
*lpc*fieldDictionary : ../../etc/RDMFieldDictionary

And the files are permissioned for reading, by the user running LPC, for example:

[]# pwd
[]# ls -l ../../etc/RDMFieldDictionary
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1069 926 1946314 Jul 22  2020 ../../etc/RDMFieldDictionary

I would also verify, with your network admin/group, the availability of the network connectivity, as specified in the configuration as Discovery.

Let us know how this works for you.

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@zoya.farberov Thanks for your help. I've found the issue with help of our IT - it was an firewall issue.

But I have now another problem. This is what I'm getting when running the rdmtestClient from the client machine

C:\ThomsonReuters\ezd1.3\win_x86_64\demo>rmdstestClient.exe -h <LPC HOST> -u <USER> -P 14002 -itemList GBP= -S ELEKTRON_DD -d 3 -X
Number of Connection Count = 1
Creating RSSL connection Host: <LPC HOST> Port: 14002
UPA server component version: lpc1.2.0.L1.linux.rrg 64-bit
Setting rmds connection 0000000002E86D60
Connection list count is 1

No service status events received after five seconds.
Service events should be returned immediately.
Data cannot be requested until services are available.
Received login message.
RSSL login failed for user: <USER> Text: Error querying service discovery: Failed to send a request to the token service. Text: </local/jenkins/workspace/RRTLPC/OS/OL7-64/esdk/source/esdk/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Reactor/Util/rsslRestClientImpl.c:1594> Error: Failed to perform the request with text: Couldn't resolve host name.

Just note:

1. When I run the

 rmdstestClient.exe -h localhost ... ... 

(within the client machine) it works good.

2. I've tried first to put in the LPC machine the same user_list.txt as I have on the client machine (and works well without the LPC) - but it failed. Then I've tried to create a new user_list.txt via the installation script - but it failed too.

What I did wrong?


lpc-log.txt (32.5 KiB)
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Hello @aharonya,

Let me confirm that we understand exactly what you are seeing.

  1. LPC is running now?
  2. When you connect rmdstestclient from the same machine via localhost, you can see streaming data?
  3. When you connect rmdstestclient from the same machine via ip address you cannot connect?
  4. Or when you connect from the same machine by hostname?
  5. Or when you connect from a different machine by hostname?
  6. Or?
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Hello @zoya.farberov,

First, thanks for your help!

Regarding your questions:

  • LPC is running now
  • LPC is running on a different (linux) machine than the client application (Windows)
  • When I run rmdstestclient on the windows machine (which currently hosts the EZD) using localhost, it works good.
  • When I run rmdstestclient on the windows machine (which currently hosts the EZD) using remote host of the LPC, it doesn't work.

I'm trying to enable the client machine (Windows) to work with the remote LPC instead of the existing EZD.


Hello @aharonya,

Understood, thanks.

If you run rmdstestclient on the same machine that LPC is running on, does it connect to LPC and you are able to observe the streaming data via rmdstestclient?

It seems that no data can be consumed via LPC at all, yet? Or are you able to consume?

LPC installation and configuration is complete, if you are able to consume from LPC, at least via rmdstestclient on the same machine.

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