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RSearch Criteria

I started to check what criteria are available in Excel Search window. So far I've got some questions:

1. Are there any references between criteria name and real field that can be found in Data Item Browser? For example, ExchangeCode - what fields are being searched for this criteria? Honestly, I expected that the search criteria names will match the field names...

2. Search:'a*' - Search Window says it's Name and Code - what is code? And what is/are the fields?

3. What are the difference between Search:'a', Search:'a*' and Search:'*a'. The results are not expected..

4. By accident, I tried to use RIC:'a*' and it worked. Also 'a', 'a*' and '*a' give me expected results. However, I don't see RIC as a search filter in Search Window. Is it not available in Excel? Also, what fields does it search for this filter?



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@igorg, I contacted the product management for detailed information, but I will try to provide you with answers to most of your questions.

1. There are some fields from DIB that are searchable with the RSearch, but definitely not all. I will provide you with a list once I get more info.

2. Are you searching for equities? ISIN, SEDOL, VALOREN, WERTPAPIER, RIC, etc.

3. Could you elaborate on what you are expecting to see?

4. RIC is a code, therefore, the code field would take a RIC.

Also, could I ask you what problem you are trying to solve with RSearch?

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1. It would be good to have it. Thanks

2. Yes (for now)

3. I'm expecting for Search:'a' to receive the tickers with one the the fields (from your answer #2) equals to 'a'. For Search:'a*' - a field starts with 'a', for Search:'*a' - ends with 'a'. I see this behavior when do search for 'RIC:...', but not with 'Search:...' . Example: RIC:'a' returns 1 result. Search:'a' - returns tons.

4. Sorry, I don't get that. I know what RIC means, but I don't see this field in DIB. I see TR.RIC, TR.PrimaryRIC and several others (don't remember from my head).. So which field is being search for RIC:'a*' (this is a part of question 1.).


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I forgot to answer on your last question. Here it is :

I'm trying to build a general application that can get different types of data based on the tasks described in configuration file (not only RSearch will be used). At this moment I need to know available filters for RSearch. So I could make a decision on how to generalize them...

2. So the code is any of the above mentioned clearing codes + RIC

3. I see the list of the fields that it uses is wider than it displays, not just RIC but the name, the ticker, etc where 'A' is used. I do not think such search queries can return a relevant result.

4. RSearch does not operate with the same list of fields. I do not have the exact details, but I know that RSearch interfaces with a lot of our databases, not just the reference database which you are referring to, hence there is no one-to-one relationship. So, in this context, RIC is one of the code schemes in 'Name or Code'

1. Please check if it's possible to find out the list of searchable fields that can be provided as search criteria for RSearch COM API. Or better something like:

CriteriaName -> list of fields in DIB.

For example, RIC -> TR.RIC, ExchangeCode -> ? ...


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I saw there is a filter by status : Equity(active,public) in screener. How can I do this in RSearch Com API?

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I would think that the default settings for the Equity>Company search are exactly these - active public companies.

I search for ExchangeCode:'MEX' and I'm getting: NA90F.XD^K04 as one of the results. And it looks like this item is delisted. How can I search for only active items? I don't see such option in excel plugin.

yes, you are right, I could not find IsActive param in Equity search. So, you have two strategies:

match a delisted ric with a regular expression or just test for '^' char


get an RData for TR.InstrumentIsActive, and filter out those that are False

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To filter out delisted Equities I use IsPrimaryRIC:Yes.

How to filter out delisted Funds?

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@igorg please start a new topic for this question.

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